Friday, December 11, 2009

whud up christmas

Thank god for the weekend. My weekend has unfortunetely been no so sugar coated in homework. It is not fair, it is like they don't think I have anything else to do outside of school. What ever, I congradulated myself for a job-well-done this week with blogging. For what did I congradulate myself for, I am not quite sure, but you know, what can I do? Anyways here is just stuff, stuff I like, love, want.Thank you JakandJill for the picture!

some DIYs I  aspire to try over the holidays, first the headband and then the shredded shirt. 
Next I changed my header to those bracelets and the title because, I don't know it just needed to be changed, to something more me. I desperetly need more photos from me and of me but hopefully for christmas I will get,

This could possibly be in my holiday future. By the way happy hanukkah. I am half Jewish so tonight was the first night of the eight. Then when I have the perfect camera I will take photos all day and night, until, I do not know what, but I will never stop.

Here are my long awaited Dr. Martens. Well actually I bought them a while ago but I could not find my camera cord for the longest time.

navy blue, ehh, ehhh.
Last but not least, look at my collage of beauty products for christmas. No, i don't actually want al of them, because I would never slather on glitter and YSL lipstick but I really really really want the benitint lip gloss, the eye lash curler, Rosebud lipgloss minted rose, the Shavata tweezers and the elizabeth Aren 8 hour cream. You know what what about it all. Doubt it.

anyways have a wonderful weekend and the best holiday ever.
The reason why I changed my header is because I wanted to change my title to something more me.  What better then to use my name and two very "interesting" women. The two Edies,   2 x Edith Beales.

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